Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dry Practice - 3 Mar 2009

hi all,

Before we head off for dry practice on 3 Mar 2009, please commit the following to memory:

1. Treat all firearms as if they were loaded.
2. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard at all times unless you are about to fire and are justified in doing so.
3. Never point the firearm at anyone/anything unless you are about to fire and are justified in doing so.

There are the 3 cardinal principles of handling firearms in the Singapore Police Force. Hence, commit this to memory and the world will be a far safer place for ALL of us (myself included).

For those of you who have a bit of trouble with your trigger control, you have a few weeks to rectify this. This is the cheapest method to enhance your forearm and finger strength, take a sheet of news paper, make sure it has two pages and it is a broadsheet [i.e. the Straits Times/Zaobao and NOT the New Paper]. Place your shooting hand in the middle of the paper and crush it into a ball. Keep crushing the paper until it becomes very soft and do it for a fresh sheet of newspaper.

Will do a demo when I see you on Friday.

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